This is stricly Malaga... it includes videos, photos and all the other stuff about Malaga 2006... and also stuff that relates to the new choir... all from my glorious point of view. Disclaimer: Everything said here is my own opinion and if you don't agree then that's our own problem. I have a right to say what I want and I'll say it here.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Malaga meeting @ Jason's house

Jason Jieni
Ravu Ledua
Tura Inoke
Chris Rosie
Sailosi Tiri

Well, for our first meeting, our forces were certainly depleted. It was good however, to see and meet those who were there (see names above). We had a lot of things to discuss, although most of it surrounded the fundraising events that the choir will be involved in this year. Our first and foremost round of fundraising happens next week during orientation. USP will be filled with students old and new and it'd be a good time for us to make some cash. We'll be selling curry parcels ($4.00/s) and juice too (30 cents/c).

It's been officially announced that we will be known as Malaga: USP Singers. We even have our own logo that we will be using throughout the rest of the year. It's just the Malaga logo with USP Singers added onto it.

Our fundraising events for the year consist of food sales at specific events (including Coca Cola games, USP Open Day etc) and hosting dinners along with choir performances along the way with our biggest one in July. The best bit of news yet is that our DVD will be ready in March and I think half the proceeds of the DVD sales will go towards the choir's fundraising for South Korea. I'd probably have to reserve copies for us, Tiko & Shelley, Sean & Kiri, Kimberley & her family and Wati & Jone too (maybe!) I'd be amongst those with many pre-orders. USP will be making a lot of money out of our DVD's.

Anyway, back to the meeting, our choir execs reminded us about how essential it is for everyone to study hard and focus on passing well in their courses this year as our results will be a major consideration for our eligibility to sing in South Korea. We will be setting up a mentoring program within the choir, so that those of the choir who are older students or graduated can help younger students in their related fields, e.g. Tiri could be my mentor in Journalism. That would be a great idea!

Then the scariest piece of news was that everyone in the choir has to go through auditions in early March so Igelese could assess our individual voice quality. I need to start training my voice so I can do well in the auditions. It'd be nice to have a solo tailored for me in either the graduation choir or even in Malaga. Ronnie won't be coming to Suva this year (coz of family issues) and the only way he can come stay here is if he has a job, so Jason and the executives are trying to arrange one for him. Fingers crossed he comes through cause I need his help with singing in the altos this year.

All throughout the meeting, everyone was joking and the most fun was poked at Tura, mostly from Tiri. In the choir they're considered like a married couple. It's so funny to see Tiri make fun of Tura. Oh! And Inoke just got an ipod shuffle from Singapore that only cost $60- (it's in Singapore dollar but still that's cheap!). Chris was listening to it and then Tura comes along and decides to take it off Chris and he wants to keep it for himself. I wonder if Inoke will ever get it back... Lolz.

I'm off now to try and organise the stuff that I'll be giving towards the fundraising next week, namely the sporks and I need to find the silver urn. Catcha latas!


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